No Fooling,Spring has Sprung

By Starr Potratz

Happy first day of spring !!! The temptation begins. Lets start with seeds, Nice bright light/sun,warmth, and once the

seed falls just about or all off the first two seed leaves, this is when you want to cut back humidity. stop misting

remove tray covers and or plastic. Careful not to let your seedlings dry out. Even though the person holding that

first garden tomato gets bragging rights, It's often better to start a wee bit later for the window sill sprouting.

The sale that is always worth waiting for , You got it and we are full to the top with something for everybody,

April 1st. through April 10th. NO FOOLIN NO FOOLIN OUR NO FOOLIN sale at Potratz Floral Shop & Green Houses !!!




Potratz Floral Shop & Greenhouses, Inc.

1418 Buffalo Road,

Erie, PA 16503