As the family grower , quality control , and the OZ of questions or the holder of the magic 8 ball.
hold on '' oh magic 8 ball will curious minds read Starrs Blog, Sweet the 8 ball said ''AS I See it YES''Yeah.
Out in the field rain or shine I'm seeing fuzzy and different caterpillars. You know me and research
I looked at a u tube on these buggers. I'm not talking child hood woolly bears that give us FUN , These are
pale yellow,orange brown ,white , some sporting black spikes. We are talking stinging burning nasty BITES!!!
As a true victim , The bite stung itched and took it's own sweet time healing.,won't touch one of
them again OUCH. And yellow jackets on green foliage, not even in flower. Lets pay close attention to
picking them up or reaching in.Not so much the evil caterpillars those need touched handled or provoked.
The children who are starting garden adventures, this is where we must educate. The U tube
video is well worth looking at. So please enjoy love and never discourage yourself or a child from the
rewards of the earth. Simply this, educate and remember '' NO FARMS NO FOOD''.
Sincerely, Starr the Plant Lady
P.S. this is the chrysanthemum's ( mums) I'm speaking of :)
Posted on 09/26/2016 at 04:00 PM