Well I tried the cucumber chive tea spray for mildew and needless to say WE got rain.
Now have I gone with the light horticulture oil spray the rain would not have washed out my
attempt to cure naturally. So back to square one, now the only good is we have been picking
a lot of cucs. and zucs. hopefully this will continue. I want to mention the sources I have been
gaining knowledge from are awesome. I strongly suggest getting a copy of Louise Riotte's book
Carrots love Tomatoes, also I go to Anne Haplin's Gardener's Desk Reference and also Orson K. Miller Jr.'s
book Mushrooms of North America. Whatever books or means of obtaining knowledge, don't
ever stop we should all learn something every day. Thank you for your time have a great season.
Sincerely, Starr The Plant Lady
Posted on 08/11/2016 at 12:18 PM