By Starr Potratz

To know your mold mildew is important. There is a difference and timeliness to the demise. Also being

a bit of a weather watcher helps (or that matter a chemist too). Experience can often come at a great price. This

is why I go right to the farmer's mouth. Mildews are a fungus and can be difficult. This is caused by high humidity

and moisture, this is a good reason for watering in the morning. Plants commonly susceptible are grapes, lettuce,

roses, tobacco, peas, potatoes and cucumbers. You can partly control this with a wetable sulphur. You can't beat

air circulation and sunshine. I read about a recipe for chive tea now that sounds safe. Chive tea can be used

against powdery mildew on cucumbers or apple scab. Planting chives around your apple trees can help too.

Now downy mildew is a bit like powdery, though downy causes marks (lack of better words) under the leaves

as well and will dry a leaf out quicker, both can be treated about the same. Now these ideas I am putting out there

are 'band-aids' they give a bit of a fight against nature taking our food. At Potratz Greenhouse we carry a line of

remedies, such as sulphur,light horticulture oils, diatomaceous earth. But old school has worked for ever and I


the way things started in this world . trial and error first hand , carrying the history of our for fathers. One more

for the road, nematodes in cucumber roots can be treated with alas sugar water.This drenching dries out the insect

and the sugar on the blossoms and leaves encourage pollinator bees. Double bonus.!!!!! As i stated before I do

encourage mixing remedies. Also chive tea is my choice for edibles, and rhubarb for roses.

Boss moss (James Potratz) has a special on calcium lime it helps prevent bottom end rot on tomatoes.

He has 50 pounds for 6.00 dollars (must be stored dry) or bring your own container and he will give you 1 to 2

pounds FREE.

Sincerely, The Plant Lady



Potratz Floral Shop & Greenhouses, Inc.

1418 Buffalo Road,

Erie, PA 16503