I understand all of us in this area look so forward to "Spring". Well what we want and what we get has clouded a lot of our thoughts.
In watching our spring feather friends arrive, I remembered that there is so much beauty in all. By the way on this "cloudy-cool-too-wet-to-plow-and-I-don't-feel-like-dancing" kind of day I'm staring out my windows and taking in the outside from the inside. I have created areas outside my windows to invite that beauty in. The Baltimore Oriels love to eat sweet things so instead of tossing out your grape jam that turned sugary or an older orange from the fruit bowl give them to our feathered friends to enjoy and gaze out the window at how pretty they are to see.
So seek out and find the beauty in each day. And when it's a gray day; smile and enjoy the birds and the flowering trees or consider sending someone fresh flowers or a new potted plant to brighten their day. It's also a perfect day to go for a drive to our awesome Greenhouse where it's always sunny and warm under 25,000' under glass.
What ever you choose enjoy and never throw it away.
Sincerely, Starr
Posted on 05/13/2016 at 09:45 PM